Monday, March 1, 2010

Trust and Beauty

Hello Fellow Bloggers!

I am so happy to connect with you again! I look forward to hearing from you and learning more about the people who stop here.

Had a good time with my best friend Charisse this weekend. She is so much fun, so positive and always there to offer good, practical advice. Thanks so much for being you,Charisse!

Nevertheless, the weekend was a little bumpy for me. I began to feel that Forest City is such a small town and that the job opportunities are so few and far between and felt panicky and boxed in. At the same time, I started to add up my mounting debt (I get a big pat on the back for tackling this rather than finding another reason to avoid it.) and couldn't help but feel oppressed and a little powerless. I found myself doing my usual "gripping" that I do when I feel anxious about something and want to solve it - NOW!

Then I went to church.

Ah, yes. We have a beautiful, lovely, rockin' church in Savage, MN. I sang along, clapped, and felt the beautiful chill throughout my body as we celebrated being in community in the presence of God. It was beautiful. (There's that word again - beautiful. My first impulse is to edit it out, but I will not as it appears to be the word of the day. Perhaps it is the word I will hold as I do some centering prayer (meditation) today. I think there is something for me to find in that word today. Thank you Lord.)

As for today, I am in great spirts, despite having a sick child at home. The sun is shining and - like so many of you - I can just feel the winter subsiding. My mind slips to backyard bonfires under the great black sky filled with stars, sitting in the breeze on the couch that usually ends up in our garage, our make-shift patio. This is a beautiful place to be, this Forest City.

At times like this I am aware of how big my obstacles may seem when in reality they are very managable. It will happen. I eventually will get a job. If I have to get a job in the neighboring town 45 min. away, I will find a way to make it work for my kids, making dinner, getting homework done, etc. God will show me the way.

This is His plan so who am I to question it? Please Lord help me to stop gripping and keep putting my trust in You. Even if I have to do it 1,000 times a day I will do it. Thank you for making me so aware of my habits of "gripping". This is the spiritual growth I know that you want for me. Thank you for the lessons. Help me learn to be more faithful every day. Amen.

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