Sunday, March 7, 2010

Glowing Peace and Calmness

Beautiful pre-birthday celebration with my Love last night. First we went to see a movie and I took a brief break in my South Beach diet for some popcorn with REAL butter! Then off to a nice restaurant for yummy hors d'vours and wine, loving conversation and a long drive home through the beautiful darkness.

Today I am motivated to figure out what my monthly expenses are so I can determine how much I need to make in my next job. I rose naturally at 7:30 (God definitely had a hand in that!) and am starting with a brief blog and coffee as my Love reads his Overton's magazine and dreams about boating days this summer.

Our conversation goes something like this. Me: "Hm. What an odd email." Him: "I want to put interior lights in this year." Me: "I didn't get past the screener for the personal banker job." It's actually nice. We're together in spirit but doing what each of us wants to do.

So how do I feel that I didn't get past the screener for the personal banker job? Well besides the fact that I had huge doubts about working for such a large organization that requires me to work late during the week and every other Saturday and is 45 min. away I knew I was MORE than qualified. So again, I will take God's lead: "This is not for you". Thank you Lord for helping me to move past it and not make a choice that is not of your liking. And what should pop up, but a business analyst position for a great company 30 minutes away where a friend of mine is head of HR. I don't yet know if this is the right direction for me to go but I believe you are guiding me Lord and I TRUST YOU. What a joyful place to be in my relationship with God.

You know that look of glowing power and calmness people have when they're strong Christians? Well I am starting to have it. Of course not all the time - I'm only human. But I am really living my life with God at the center. Thank you Lord for this breakthrough. Forgive me for doubting and for taking so long to get here. Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for providing me with stirring Christian rock songs that I crank in the car and how they fill me to overflowing. Thank you for entering in my relationship with my Love and for slowly becoming our centre and the centre for our family. Be with us as we journey to make you our Savior. Amen

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