Thursday, February 25, 2010

Welcome Sunshine!

Good Morning!

Does anyone else have Spring Fever like me? It is so nice to see the sun again.

I continue to be blessed by the knowledge that God will provide for me as I continue to look for a job. I truly believe he has something in store for me and it's just a matter of a month or so until I get something.

In the meantime, He is telling me to rest, re-couperate from my last job which was straight commission, get organized around the house, get my taxes done and, most importantly get my blog going!

Blogging has opened so many doors to me. I can't wait to make the most of it's potential and have many plans. Stay posted so that you can view them!

In reality, blogging has changed my life. I can do everything I want to do via my blog, fulfill every aspect of my earthly purpose, and do it in a wonderful community of like-mined artists, writers and believers like you! All I need is a regular income and I'll be off!

My birthday is coming up in a few weeks. I think I would like to find an online class on how to build, customize and get the most out of my blog. Does anyone know of any? What a perfect gift to give myself. (Actually my mom and fiance' are going to make this their present. I love it when they ask me what I want!) There are so many things I want to do. I'd love to take a writing class at the Loft or attend their Children's Writers Workshop in May. I'd love to take an art class, a writing class, etc. I will do like Julia Cameron said in her book The Artist's Way,"feed the well". For those of you who have not read it, she means that, if you are a writer, for example, do other types of creative activities, like painting, to enhance your creativity.

I am so open. I am so ready.

Staring right into the well,


P.S. I'd love to hear from anyone who has stopped by just to know that I'm doing this right but also, and always, to connect!

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