Saturday, June 19, 2010

Taming the Fire Hose

Hello Universe,

I always feel funny at my greeting because I only have one follower so far. Hi Jim! So today I am posting to the Universe with faith that my messages will begin to land.

I have recently found the e-course I've been looking for (Kelly Rae Robert's Flying Lessons) as I have sat in the fruit bowl like an overripe banana. As I suspected, it has unearthed the most tremendous flow of self-discovery and truth that I have ever experienced. It has been such a catalyst for me that I feel a bit like the BP oil spill. I'm comin' out whether the world is ready for me or not. Whether I am ready for me or not. (I am not. But, according to Kelly, nobody ever is.) So then how do I handle the simultaneous eruptions that are exploding from within me? A book. A column. Painting. Photography. Blogging. And that's just to name a few.

How do you control the flow of the BP oil spill? It is bigger than anyone can imagine or accept. And it doesn't care that it's killing all the fish. The answer? You suck up as much as you can and divert the rest. Much like the oil spill, I am not able to quit my job to try and do ALL of these things at once. In fact, if I really think about it I don't even want to. I want to savor every step and absorb every drop along the way and schedule the rest for later.

So how do you get a fire hose to trickle like a sprinkler so that you don't kill the flowers? The answer: there has to be a place where the overflow gets directed. There also has to be a very strong nozzle to divert it where it needs to go. Today I will purchase my Personal Growth calendar. It will have a page for a long list where the excess water can be diverted. Each time I develop an idea, a task, a goal, I will write it down. I will then prioritize the list and transfer it to the calendar. I will write in pencil so I can change things as my priorities shift.

Truth is, I like the fire hose. It feels good to get unstopped. I want so badly to let it flow and not have to restrict it anymore. But I know that if I do it will kill the flowers. So I have to learn to manage my dreams not keep them in. I am managing them so that they can live, flourish and blossom. Though it feels a lot like holding them in, in reality I am letting them leak out. I am no longer thinking about my purpose without following it. Instead, I am taking small steps in order to let the flowers bloom. Maybe I will find a photo of a very delicate looking flower and tape it to my kitchen window to remind me to tread with care. To tend the flowers not kill them with my hose.

I will buy a plant today. One that requires a little water every day. And as I water it each morning, I will take note of the nice, soft soil, look for new sprouts and pluck dead leaves that impede its growth. It will need to be an indoor plant so I can tend it all year round.

I have no idea which plant it will be. I am completely open and excited to see what it is. It might be something totally unexpected. But I will learn to love this plant over time and see what makes it beautiful - all the things that I have missed when I have passed it before. I may even give it a name, change its name, make it my pen name, or stick with the original name ... I get to decide.

I had a cactus once. It died because I didn't water it enough. I replaced it with an African Violet which was such a fun plant to watch because it could go from totally dead to teaming with life within a day of watering. This time, I will look for something that is forgiving like the violet, yet grows very fast. I know that at times I may water my new plant too much and it will yellow. Other times, I may neglect it and dry leaves may appear. As it grows I will need to re-pot it or it will die for lack of soil. But I will keep trying until I get it down. Even if I have to buy a new plant.


  1. Hi Kari, I came to visit from our "flying lessons" group. Found you on the spreadsheet list. I read through all your posts and just wanted to let you know that I'm a believer too and just went back to work after many, many, applications and several interviews. I would rather stay home and play, but my dear husband needs a little help with the bills!!!!

    Also read & am now following because I know what it feels like to write while wondering if anyone is actually there! Hang in there and stay in touch ok.

    Sending a smile, Chris

  2. PS I came to check out your blog primarily because of the title!

  3. Thank you Chris. I am so honored. You are the very first person to comment on my blog. I am glad you like the name of it. Would love to hear more about you and your journey. Will check out your blog next.

    Also, I joined the class very late so I have not been able to pariticipate much in comments and so want to be a part of the class community. I would love to stay in touch.

    P.S. Have you ever read any of Jeannette Wall's books? She is my favorite author! What/who do you like to read?

  4. congrats on your
    & flight
    & dreams
    & mighty

  5. Thanks Rachel. What a beautiful way to brighten my day! Your blog is what inspired me to begin MY journey and your art AND thoughts inspire me every day. Thank you for being so instrumental in making flight possible - not just for me but for so many others. Much love to you girl!
    P.S. Your most recent post tickles me with happy, laughing bubbles inside!

  6. Kari - I have been lurking, as usual. You caught me.

    Luna (our moth orchid) now has seven leaves, one bract with 4 flowers (which has been blooming since Easter) and two budding bracts for later. Moth orchids are very forgiving. You can forget to water them for weeks and they don't care. All I do is dump her out of her pot three or four times a year to trim the shriveled roots and put her back into some fresh orchid bark. She is now in an enameled emerald-green nine-inch pot and is very content. She sends her love.
