Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lone Goose

I sit with cup of steaming coffee, wrapped in blankets in the crisp, almost damp, morning. I hear honking to the west - Roger's favorite sound. Most of the geese fly in formation and I am reminded of that stupid joke: "Why is the line of geese sometimes longer on one side than the other?" Answer: "Because there is an odd number of geese."

But then I notice there are 2 geese that are flying along with the flock but are choosing to not fly in formation. The others draft along in neat formation - one behind the other. And I wonder why the lone geese don't just join on in. Its so much easier to fly that way.

Upon reflection, I realize that I am like one of the lone geese. I could easily fly in formation like most the other geese. But instead, I choose to carve my own path. It is harder to fly alone - the wind resistance and all. But that's just how I've always been.

Not long after they pass overhead and I hear, boom, boom, boom-boom-boom. Perhaps this is why the two have chosen to fly alone. Perhaps they have flown in formation before and realized their chances for survival were better on their own. Sometimes, what's harder, is wiser.

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